- Les collages énigmatiques d’Amanda Durepos sur les murs de Nouveau Palais by Baron Mag (2019)
- The Curious Collages of Amanda Durepos by Sketchigo (2017)
- Cyberclutter Collages by Ariadna Zierold for Upperplayground (2017)
- Web Galeri: Amanda Durepos by BANT Mag (2017)
- Amanda Durepos Turns Vintage Magazines Into Fanciful Collages by Vanessa Fader for Unrated (2017)
- Surrealist Collages by Amanda Durepos by Claire-Marine Beha for Fubiz (2017)
- Amanda Durepos Turns Vintage Magazines Into Fanciful Collages by Giulia Pacciardi for Collater.al (2017)
- PLEASE: making an appeal appealing by Lydia Anderson for the Concordian (2016)
- Amanda Durepos @ Ymuno by Ratsdeville (2016)
- The way we used to cut and paste by Amanda L. Shore for the Concordian (2012)